
Psoriasis- one of the most common andpsoriasis of the headmysterious skin diseases. The name "psoriasis" comes from the Greek word "psoriasis", which means itching, scabies.

"Devil's Roses"- so in old age was called a disease characterized by peeling of the skin.

In the time of Hippocrates, the term "psora" was introduced, a term used to denote a group of skin diseases accompanied by flaking, dryness and itching.

The famous Greek physician Claudius Galen at the beginning of our era was the first to use the term "psoriasis" to denote scaly skin changes with severe itching, but this disease has nothing to do with psoriasis.

In the old days, psoriasis was on a par with leprosy, scabies, and vitiligo, and people suffering from these diseases were required to wear a special suit, rattle, or bell.

In the early 19th century, the English physician Wheelen and his students distinguished between psoriasis and leprosy.

In the future, dermatological science will be enriched with new information about the causes of the disease (metabolic disorders, immunological changes in the body, viral nature, environmental distress, genetic predisposition, etc. ), but the exact causes of the disease remain a mystery.

During the entire existence of the Earth 5, 5 billion people fell ill with psoriasis.

Psoriasis is considered to be "God's mark" for people with special artistic talent.

Among the people suffering from psoriasis, there are many successful and great personalities, such as Benjamin Franklin, Henry Ford, Winston Churchill, John Rockefeller

Blacks suffer from psoriasis much less frequently than whites. Drinking green tea reduces the risk of psoriasis. The risk of developing psoriasis in women who smoke is 78% higher than in non-smokers. Often, during pregnancy, psoriasis goes untreated. World War II, the number of patients with psoriasis. In September 2009, a fashion show was held in the United States for the first time, especially for patients with psoriasis.

In the entire history of mankind, there has not been a single case of transmission of psoriasis from a sick person to a healthy one, even with a blood transfusion.

Causes of the disease

Psoriasis is considered a multifactorial disease.This means that psoriasis appears suddenly, by coincidence. Despite many years of research, scientists have not yet been able to find the exact causes of the disease, but there are many hypotheses.

  • heredity (although the presence of a person suffering from psoriasis in the family does not always mean that his offspring will be ill);
  • nervous stress (especially during adolescence) provokes an exacerbation of the disease;
  • nutrition (abuse of fatty, salty foods, citrus fruits, chocolate, is directly related to the appearance of psoriasis);
  • weakened immunity - prolonged drug therapy, frequent colds, other diseases that lower immunity, affect the condition of the skin, provoking the development of psoriasis;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • violation of metabolic processes.

And much more "Everyone has their own psoriasis with their own causes. "

Symptoms of the disease

People under the age of 30, regardless of gender, are most susceptible to this disease. The first symptoms of the disease are small, scattered reddish or pink nodules covered with silvery-white scales on top, when scraped under them, a reddish surface is exposed with small droplets of protruding blood ("blood dew"). With the development of psoriasis, the nodules grow, The patient feels constant itching of the affected areas, combs them and after intense scratching psoriatic "plaques" are formed - areas with thick, thickened, irritated skin.

The areas of psoriasis on the skin are endless, but most often affect the elbows, knees, extensor surfaces of the arms and legs and scalp. Sometimes the disease completely recedes, then suddenly returns, sometimes the patient's condition improves (more often in summer), sometimes worsens (more often in winter), in general, complete unpredictability.

Psoriasis does not make a person physically disabled, but it strikes a devastating blow to the patient's psyche, depriving him of adequate communication with others.

If you have psoriasis. . .

  • Make sure the rash is actually psoriasis.
  • Don't panic.
  • Try to analyze the events that preceded the onset of the disease, in the future this will help you avoid recurrent exacerbations.
  • Self-medication is dangerous!
  • Don't be fooled by the expensive treatment, each psoriasis has its own method of treatment.
  • Do not delve into the disease, banish anxiety, adjust to a favorable outcome. Your attitude is the first helper in overcoming the disease.

Forms of psoriasis

Scalp psoriasis. Well-defined, pale pink, scaly patches appear on the scalp and hair never falls out (hair loss in a limited area of skin indicates another condition, such as ringworm).

Nail psoriasis(psoriatic onychodystrophy). Fingernails and toenails are affected. It is characterized by discoloration of the nail plate and nail bed, the appearance of spots, spots, transverse lines, thickening of the skin under the nails, thickening and delamination of the plate, to the complete loss of nail plates.

Palmar-plantar psoriasis. Papules appear on the surface of the palms and soles of the feet, usually in combination with psoriasis of the nails (to distinguish them from fungal diseases).

Guttate psoriasis.It is characterized by the appearance on the patient's skin of a large number of small circles raised above the surface of healthy skin, red or purple (to purple), very dry, similar in shape to drops, tears or small dots. It occurs mainly on the thighs.

Exudative psoriasis.The scales on the surface of the papules acquire a yellow tinge, become multilayered, stick together. When such a papule is scraped off, the moist, bright pink surface of the skin is exposed.

Pustular psoriasis.Small blisters with purulent contents appear on different parts of the skin, the patient's general condition worsens and the body temperature rises.

Psoriatic erythroderma.The defeat of large areas of skin (sometimes all over the body), inflammation is pronounced, skin color is bright pink, the patient feels strong, unbearable itching and deterioration of the general condition.

Arthropathic psoriasis.Not only the skin but also small joints (arms, legs) are affected. When moving there is pain in the joints, the joints are limited in movement, swollen.

Isophoric psoriasis or Koebner's phenomenon.This form of the disease develops at the site of physical injury to the skin (scratches, surgical wounds, sunburn).

Poster psoriasis.At the beginning of the disease, red, clearly demarcated, scaly papules appear, which merge during the progression of the disease, forming stable round or oval plaques of dark red color.

Reverse (intertriginous) psoriasis.An unusual shape that occurs under the mammary glands and in the groin area. The plaques are smooth, red, with clear borders and superficial maceration.

Erythrodermic psoriasis.Severe form, the skin surface is red, painful, the patient has a fever, chills.

Complications of psoriasis

Psoriasis- it is not only a skin disease, it is unequivocally clear that psoriasis is a systemic disease that affects not only the skin but also almost all body systems, therefore against the background of psoriasis in humans the following disorders occur:

  • psoriatic arthritis;
  • nail plate degeneration;
  • damage to the mucous membranes (mouth, gastrointestinal tract, urethra, bladder, etc. );
  • eye damage;
  • liver disorders;
  • organic disorders of the central nervous system;
  • heart damage (myocarditis, myocardial dystrophy, etc. );
  • amyotrophy;
  • lymphadenopathy.

Features of psoriasis in children

As a rule, psoriasis in children develops at the age of 4-8 years, its appearance is often associated with an infectious disease (tonsillitis, chickenpox, etc. ), stress, skin injuries and others. It occurs mainly on the scalp, as well as the skin of the face and groin. The most common in childhood is the tearful form and the exudative form of psoriasis.

Treatment of psoriasis

As it is extremely difficult to determine the cause of the disease, it is also difficult to identify a single prescription to combat psoriasis. This disease is very individual and the approach to treatment must be strictly individual.

Diet.In most cases, dietary advice is enough to stop the development of psoriasis. It is necessary to exclude foods traditionally considered allergens - citrus fruits, chocolate, eggs, honey, peppers, strawberries. It is recommended to limit the consumption of acidic, spicy, fatty foods (butter, lard), alcohol.

Strengthening agents.It is necessary to take multivitamin preparations, means to strengthen the body's immune system, eliminate nervous stress.

Puvotherapy.Application of special therapeutic agents on the skin, followed by activation by irradiation with ultraviolet radiation.

Cryotherapy.Placement in a cage with a very low temperature.

Bioresonance therapy.Exposure to weak electromagnetic vibrations.

Ozone therapy.The use of gas procedures and ozonated cosmetics.

Hirudotherapy.The use of medical leeches.

Spa treatment.This type of treatment is carried out without exacerbation of the disease, during the summer-spring period with great care, because sometimes climate change can, on the contrary, provoke the disease. Sanatoriums in the Dead Sea (Israel), Baku and others are recommended for psoriasis.

External treatment(ointments, creams, etc. ).

Systemic treatment(tablets, injections, etc. ).

Photochemotherapy.Exposure to ultraviolet rays directly on the affected areas of the skin is done with the help of special devices that irradiate only the right places without touching healthy skin (which is important in the treatment of limited forms of psoriasis, for example, treatment of psoriasis of the nails).

Traditional methods of treatment.Based on the therapeutic effect of medicinal herbs (celandine, kalanchoe, eucalyptus, honey, kombucha, etc. ).

Phytotherapy.Treatment with medicinal herbs.

Hypnotherapy.Treatment of hypnosis.

Acupuncture.Restores both the physical and mental state of a patient with psoriasis.


Treatment of psoriasis with folk remedies.

Today you can easily find many articles on the treatment of psoriasis with folk remedies, there really are many remedies for treatment, we will present to your attention some of them.

Quite good results give the use of internal decoctions of herbs such as chicory, dandelion, parsley. For treatment, ground roots of these plants are used, which are collected in the spring or autumn on their own or bought at a pharmacy.

Dill is useful in psoriasis. It is very useful to eat it in any available form and it is better to grind the seeds in a coffee grinder. In the morning you can prepare a decoction of fennel seeds: pour boiling water on two tablespoons of fennel seeds (0, 5 liters), insist for an hour and then drink the resulting decoction thirty minutes before meals, 3-4 times a day.

Cleansing the liver and intestines can also help relieve psoriasis. The easiest way to cleanse is with pumpkin seeds, which you should eat one cup a day for a month, as well as a tablespoon of corn oil twice a day.

Using coniferous baths every other day for about half an hour will help cleanse the skin. The preparation of the broth is easy: at the bottom of a large pot or bucket you need to put spruce branches, add to them the leaves of celandine, pour all this with water, bring to a boil and evaporate on very low heat for 20 minutes. Then pour the broth for 2-3 hours and pour into the prepared bath. The water temperature should be 37-38 degrees.

For the preparation of baths you can use other herbs: mint, thyme, chamomile, valerian, lemon balm, oregano, cumin, hops.

You can also use sea buckthorn oil to treat psoriasis, both externally and internally.

The most popular questions and answers about psoriasis.

Is psoriasis contagious?

Psoriasis is not contagious, in any case, numerous studies confirm this. The presence of several family members with psoriasis is explained by the possible hereditary transmission of the disease.

What are the guarantees for treatment?

There can be no question of any guarantees, only a stable remission is possible.

How much does the treatment cost on average?

It is practically impossible to calculate the cost of treatment due to strictly individual methods of treatment and duration of treatment.

How is the diagnosis performed?

Visual examination and scraping for fungal infection, to detect concomitant pathology.

How does alcohol affect a patient with psoriasis?

Alcohol, due to its toxicity, has a detrimental effect on the whole body as a whole, what about the altered skin.

In most patients with alcohol abuse, there is a loss of seasonality in the course of psoriasis and frequent exacerbations. The clinical course of the disease becomes more severe.

So people with psoriasis are not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages even in small quantities.

How do stressful situations affect psoriasis?

The human nervous system is related to the activity of the brain. The brain controls all the functions of the body, the intelligent organs and the emotions of a person. It has been found that in people experiencing negative emotions, the amount of adrenaline in the blood increases, this leads to a malfunction of the nervous system and, accordingly, all internal organs. Therefore, during stressful situations, 56. 6% of patients experience exacerbation of the disease.

If a relative has psoriasis, how likely am I to get psoriasis?

1, 2% of patients with psoriasis had no sick relatives. 5% of patients had sick relatives. If one of the twins has psoriasis, the other has psoriasis in 16% of cases, provided that one of the parents is ill. If both parents and one of the twins is ill, then the other has psoriasis in 50% of cases, and if the twins are identical - in 73%.

Practical advice for patients with psoriasis

  • Wear loose, breathable clothing.
  • Protect your skin, avoid mechanical irritation.
  • Do not dress too warmly.
  • Avoid contact with corrosive agents and solvents whenever possible.
  • For body care, only mild soaps are allowed, sparing the acid mantle of the skin.
  • The shower or bath you take should not be hot or long. It is best to take a short to moderately warm shower.
  • Try not to rub too hard with a towel during washing and with a towel when drying.
  • Control your emotions.
  • Communicating with other patients can be of additional help.
  • Exercise will help to improve the condition, yoga is especially recommended.
  • A balanced diet and healthy intestinal microflora will improve the condition of your skin.

Rehabilitation of patients with psoriasis

Rehabilitation of patients includes the following activities:

  • elimination of side effects from the main treatment.
  • stabilization of metabolic processes in the body.
  • treatment of concomitant diseases.
  • increasing the body's resistance to exacerbating factors.

For stable remission, you may need to radically change your lifestyle, your work, and in some cases even change your place of residence (moving to rural, ecologically clean areas often maintains stable remission). The support of relatives and friends is especially important, communication with people who have the same disease will help to overcome difficulties together.

Life according to Hufeland

Prominent German physician Christoph Wilhelm Hufeland once said: "Among the influences that shorten life, fear, sadness, despondency, melancholy, cowardice, envy, hatred occupy a predominant place. No one doubts that you can get sick from the idea of illness, why not imagine yourself healthy to recover? "Maybe these wonderful words will enter your life and help you overcome the disease. Live according to Hufeland!